Arturo Aparicio

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  • Basic climbing techniques - proper footwork, correct balance, proper use of handholds, ...
  • Advanced climbing techniques - sidestep, drop knee, flagging, heel/toe hooks, no hand rests, ...
  • Mental coaching - reaching and overcoming individual limits
  • Fear management
  • Climbing safety - belay/lead belay, anchor set up, lead climbing, spotting, ...
  • Onsight, flash & redpoint approach to climbing
  • Outdoor climbing risks and their understandings
  • Deepwater solo safety specifics, techniques, and tricks


Sports achievements: 


About Arturo:

Arturo is always trying to find ways of expressing himself through the movement. He started surfing at the age of 13 and kept doing it until he discovered a different and purest form of expression: climbing.

He was living and surfing in Tenerife when he started climbing in his 20s and since the beginning, he was so passionate about it that decided to move to Spain to keep pushing his limits on the vertical realm.

'The thing I love about climbing is the feeling of pushing my limits, even when my mind wants to stop I love to keep going and stay focused' Arturo says.

Nowadays Arturo spends most of his time living in his van around the walls in Sella. Looking for new projects and meeting motivated people to share climbing.



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