Miha Popovic


Birthdate: 31.03.1983

Residence: Ljubljana, Slovenia

Years Climbing: 14

Facebook Page: facebook.com/miha.popovic

Miha is our coach and guide for:

Sport Climbing Performance and Mental Coaching, Deep Water Solo Course, Sport Climbing Road Trips, Multipitch Climbing Course



  • Basic climbing techniques - proper footwork, correct balance, proper use of handholds, ...
  • Advanced climbing techniques - sidestep, drop knee, flagging, heel/toe hooks, no hand rests, ...
  • Mental coaching - reaching and overcoming individual limits
  • Fear management
  • Climbing safety - belay/lead belay, anchor set up, lead climbing, spotting, ...
  • Onsight, flash & redpoint approach to climbing
  • Outdoor climbing risks and their understandings
  • Deepwater solo safety specifics, techniques, and tricks


About Miha:

I will try my best to identify what works best for your further progression or leapfrogging your limitations. Starting from the very basics, or what one might lack, and working on the perception of our motivation for climbing and pushing ourselves.
Master’s Degree in Computer Science and Management, working in the field of Research Writing on Science and Technology Literature.

Started climbing quite late, but progressed rapidly to an Onsight level of 7c in just three years. It drastically changed my life to a point of leaving my full-time work and pursuing the need to climb and travel.

I became Climbing Instructor and coach, first licensed in Slovenia, and later continued with SPI AMGA or North American Certification for Single Pitch Instructor for the guiding work in the Caribbean. Continued my profession in Southeast Asia as Private Guide and Deep Water Solo Guide.

Prior to my Climbing career, I trained in Tennis for more than 12 years, and did some competitive Cross-country skiing, and Surfing as a hobby.

I have been attracted by sports and science since I remember, and will try to use both in your climbing development.



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